Kym Pethybridge
Kym embarked on her martial arts training adventure as a young adult. Her motivation to learn martial arts came from personal experiences and a dangerous incident, in which Kym and her friends were involved.
She trained in Zen Do Kai, an Australian freestyle martial arts system, until she discovered her true passion – Krav Maga. Kym gave up Zen Do Kai and devoted her training to Krav Maga in 2008. She trained under her instructor from Sydney for 3 years before reaching Level 10 – Black. Kym completed her instructors’ training and became a Tactical Krav Maga (TKM) Qualified Instructor in 2014.
Kym remains in close contact with her Chief Instructor in Sydney, whom she visits and trains with frequently, making sure she can always provide her students with the most up-to-date training experience, in synch with current TKM curriculum.
Her favourite saying: “They’re not bruises, they’re Krav Kisses!“
• Tactical Krav Maga (TKM) Qualified Instructor
• TKM Level 10 – Black
• Certificate IV Government Investigations
• Conflict Resolution
• Canine Communication & Training
• Dealing with Dangerous Dogs